Sunday 8 September 2013

Tandem novel - 50,000 words - first draft complete

I had a bit of a crazy-mad type in over the weekend, finished typing in notebook #2 and then notebook #3 turned out to be little more than a couple notes about what had gone before; a re-summary to help restructure some of what had already been written in #1 and #2. There was 'the battle scene' and that was delightful, and a 'the Virago scene' and that was proper horrific to write, but that was it really.

There is one final chapter to fully write-up. I don't have a detailed notebook entry for this but I know what the scene should be. It's basically one entire book written from scratch to first draft in six weeks. The total up to this point is 45,000 with the final chapter still to pen. Additional rewrite elements and that final chapter or two would take the final total of this first real draft to about:


It's just the way it is, I guess. And it has happened before. I should start to rename my 'novels' LONG STORIES. Because that's what they are, they're a longer version of a kinky idea. However big your written world is, there's only so much 'story' you can squeeze out of a number of characters without having to use chapters of  filler content or flash back to pad a book out to a contractual word count. This final chapter is a BIG LEAP and let's say I'm not totally sold on the climax but it's probably going to stick, the book is probably going to end this way.

I like the pace of the book the way it is; it's stripped to the bone, it gets on with it and doesn't let up. In fact, it has the feel of an old Hertzan Chimera long story; bedded in the real but surreal as fuck, and scary, and nasty.

And on the subject of NEW WORLD ORDER:

There is no ruling elite. That's what 'normal folk' always forget. The term New World Order was invented back in the 1940s to keep you and I under wraps, as a thinking species. In all reality, the thousands of millions of dreamers who do what they do naturally every single night are the ones who 'rule this world'. In fact, without them there'd be no commercial world, there'd be no profit/loss accounting careers, there'd be no wars for profit.

AFTERNOON UPDATE: now that I have the foundation of the last chapter on file, I can see how this may affect a second draft quite considerably. A final layer to what became an already complicated (and implicated) cake.

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